Monday, September 29, 2014

Class News 9/29-10/3


ELA- Today we met Sammy Seal. Sammy says /s/. We also practiced the sight word I.

Sounds Learned: /s/

Sight Words Learned: I

Math- We will continue to practice writing and counting 9 and 10, and we will complete a number line. 

Important Days
Short Day (Thursday bell schedule): Oct. 3 
No School: Oct. 10

4th Grade

ELA-We began studying Landston Hughes: Poet of the People today. Since there is no school Friday, Oct. 10th, the ELA test will be given on Wednesday, Oct. 8th. 

4th Grade Subjects (FYI)
Though I teach ELA, Mr. Glass helps me with some assignments that are related to ELA. Here is a list of subjects that Mr. Glass and I are responsible for:
Mr. Glass- math, science, social studies, spelling
Mrs. Radon: language arts, reading, writing, SRAs, PE 

Spelling, due Friday
James and the Giant Peach- Read Ch. 26-30 and answer questions (complete sentences)
Math, daily (check planner)
Science test, Thursday
***Your child's planner contains the most accurate information.

 Important Days
Short Day (Thursday bell schedule): Oct. 3 
No School: Oct. 10

Monday, September 22, 2014

Class News 9/22-9/27


ELA- This week we will practice writing Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, and Zz.  We will also practice identifying rhymes, beginning sounds, and components of a story. 

Math- We will continue to practice writing and counting 7, 8, 9, and 10. 

Our class will be participating in the walk-a-thon around 8:30am Thursday, Sept. 25th. Parents are welcome to come watch! 

Important Days
Picture Day: Sept. 23
Walk-a-Thon: Sept. 25
Short Day (Thursday bell schedule): Oct. 3 
No School: Oct. 10

4th Grade

ELA-We will continue to work on Mrs. Frisby and the Crow this week. The test for this story will be given on Friday, Sept. 26th.

4th Grade Subjects (FYI)
Though I teach ELA, Mr. Glass helps me with some assignments that are related to ELA. Here is a list of subjects that Mr. Glass and I are responsible for:
Mr. Glass- math, science, social studies, spelling
Mrs. Radon: language arts, reading, writing, SRAs, PE 

Spelling, due Friday
James and the Giant Peach- Read Ch. 21-25 and answer questions (complete sentences)
Math, daily (check planner)
ELA test, Friday 
***Your child's planner contains the most accurate information.

 Important Days
Picture Day: Sept. 23
Walk-a-Thon: Sept. 25
Short Day (Thursday bell schedule): Oct. 3 
No School: Oct. 10

Monday, September 15, 2014

Class News 9/15-9/19


ELA- This week we will practice writing Pp, Qq, Rr, and Ss.  We will also practice identifying rhymes, beginning sounds, and components of a story. 

Math- We will continue to practice writing and counting 5, 6, 7, and 8. 

Important Days
Picture Day: Sept. 23
Walk-a-Thon: Sept. 25
No School: Oct. 10

4th Grade

ELA-We began our two week study of an excerpt of Mrs. Frisby and the Crow today. The test for this story will be given on Friday, Sept. 26th.

4th Grade Subjects (FYI)
Though I teach ELA, Mr. Glass helps me with some assignments that are related to ELA. Here is a list of subjects that Mr. Glass and I are responsible for:
Mr. Glass- math, science, social studies, spelling
Mrs. Radon: language arts, reading, writing, SRAs, PE 

Spelling, due Friday
James and the Giant Peach- Read Ch. 11-15 and answer questions (complete sentences)
Math, daily (check planner)
Science Quiz, Unit 1, Lesson 3, Tuesday
***Your child's planner contains the most accurate information.

 Important Days
Picture Day: Sept. 23
Walk-a-Thon: Sept. 25
No School: Oct. 10

Monday, September 8, 2014

Class News 9/8-9/12


ELA- I've assessed the students' literacy skills and will be putting them in reading groups this week.  This will allow me to meet the needs of each student. 

Math- We will practice writing and counting numbers to five in the coming weeks. 

Important Days
Book Order Due: Sept. 12
Walk-a-Thon Money Due: Sept. 15

4th Grade

ELA- The Island of the Blue Dolphins test is Friday, Sept. 12th. Students are allowed to bring their reading text book and their ELA journal home to help them study, but they must be brought to school each day. The students will get a study guide on Wednesday. 

Spelling, due Friday
James and the Giant Peach- Read Ch. 11-15 and answer questions (complete sentences)
Math, daily (check planner)
ELA Test Friday
***Your child's planner contains the most accurate information.

Important Days
Book Order Due: Sept. 12th 
Walk-a-Thon Money Due: Sept. 15