Thursday, December 11, 2014


On Wednesday, the kinder class made "snow" with baking soda and conditioner. They and a lot of fun measuring the ingredients and mixing it together. It was very messy, but worth it!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Class News, Dec. 8-12


ELA- Yesterday we met Callie Cat. Callie says /k/. We will also practice the sight words we've learned so far. 

Sounds Learned: /s/, /m/, /r/, /t/, /b/, /n/, /h/, /v/, /k/ (spelled with C)

Sight Words Learned: I, see, my, like, a, to

Word Families Learned: -at (hat, sat, bat, mat, rat, etc.), -an (can, man, pan, ran, van, etc.)

Math- We will practice ways to make 5-10 this week.

Thank you for all the conditioner and baking soda donations! We will make "snow" Wednesday morning! 

Important Days
Holiday Program: Dec. 17 @6pm
Half Day: Dec. 19 (everyone is released at 12:00)
Holiday Vacation: Dec. 22-Jan. 5

4th Grade

ELA- We will continue to prepare for the Energy Makes Things Happen ELA test (Dec. 12th).

Remind- Mr. Glass and I are using Remind, a free one way text messing/email app. It's free if you would like to sign up and receive messages. Just follow the directions: 


***Your child's planner contains the most accurate information.

Important Days
Book Report Due: Dec. 17
Holiday Program: Dec. 17 @6pm
Half Day: Dec. 19
Holiday Vacation: Dec. 22-Jan. 5

Monday, December 1, 2014

Class News Dec. 1-5


ELA- Today we met Vinny Volcano. Vinny says /v/.. We will also practice the sight word to.

Sounds Learned: /s/, /m/, /r/, /t/, /b/, /n/, /h/, /v/

Sight Words Learned: I, see, my, like, a, to

Word Families Learned: -at (hat, sat, bat, mat, rat, etc.), -an (can, man, pan, ran, van, etc.)

Math- We will continue to practice writing and counting numbers to 20, and we'll discuss flat and solid shapes. 

Important Days
Holiday Program: Dec. 17 @6pm
Half Day: Dec. 19 (everyone is released at 12:00)
Holiday Vacation: Dec. 22-Jan. 5

4th Grade

ELA- We began a two week unit for Energy Makes Things Happen. The ELA test will be Dec. 12th.

Remind- Mr. Glass and I are using Remind, a free one way text messing/email app. It's free if you would like to sign up and receive messages. Just follow the directions: 


***Your child's planner contains the most accurate information.

Important Days
Book Report Due: Dec. 17
Holiday Program: Dec. 17 @6pm
Half Day: Dec. 19
Holiday Vacation: Dec. 22-Jan. 5